Leading loyalist warns government it may well be playing with fire over Protocol

A placard in Rathcoole, Newtownabbey, warning that the Protocol has fatally undermined the 1998 agreementA placard in Rathcoole, Newtownabbey, warning that the Protocol has fatally undermined the 1998 agreement
A placard in Rathcoole, Newtownabbey, warning that the Protocol has fatally undermined the 1998 agreement
The chairman of a group linked to the three major loyalist terror organisations has warned the government it could well be “playing with fire” over the Protocol.

The Loyalist Communities Council brings together long-standing UDA, Red Hand Commando and PUP/UVF figures.

The council is chaired by David Campbell, a former senior UUP figure who has no personal connections to terror or criminality himself.

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He said the statement is from him personally, not on behalf of the whole group.

It reads:

“I am concerned that there will now be further delays in replacing the NI Protocol and also worried that HMG may be tempted to soften their approach.

“Many of us have given time and space for these negotiations on the basis of Lord Frosts briefings.

“HMG and the EU need to recognise that giving time and space is not a sign of our weakening our position.

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“The breaches in the Belfast Agreement must be repaired. This means no border infrastructure and unfettered GB-NI trade, and no EU judicial sovereignty over Northern Ireland.

“Any resiling from this will be playing with fire.”

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